Attorney at law, Partner

Alexandra Danopoulos


Alexandra is an expert in administrative law and environmental law (Environmental Permitting (General Provisions) Act, Environmental Management Act, licensing procedures, regulatory and law enforcement matters, the Water Act, EVOA) and in energy law. Alexandra conducts a litigation and advisory practice focused on environmental and administrative law, including licensing and law enforcement procedures. Furthermore, Alexandra has extensive knowledge of energy law.

Alexandra advises clients on law enforcement decisions and licensing procedures in different areas, including in the areas of transport and logistics and construction. She has broad experience in advising and litigating on matters in the areas of environmental law (including external safety), spatial planning law, water law and food law. Her advisory work includes work for companies regarding environmental permits and other permits and she regularly advises companies regarding enforcement matters, including inspection visits by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), the Inspection Service of the Ministery of Social Affairs and Employment (Inspectie SZW), the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) and DCMR Environmental Protection Agency Rijnmond (DCMR). She has ample experience in in litigating in the areas of both administrative and civil law. 

What clients say

‘Alexandra Danopoulos is knowledgeable, provides very useable advice and has a great sense of humour. A true joy to work with.’ - Legal 500 EMEA 2024

‘Both Linda and Alexandra are skilled with the right knowledge. They are also easy to work with and able to transfer their knowledge to the client.’ - Legal 500 EMEA 2024


Alexandra has been a lawyer since 2009. Prior to this, she worked on a doctoral thesis on administrative enforcement instruments and as a university lecturer in administrative law for six years at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Alexandra was also an in-house lawyer for two years at a large dredging  company, advising the board and project leaders on matters in the area of environmental law.

Alexandra understands, also because of her experience as a legal counsel, that clients need practical legal advice that can contribute to solving a legal issue. Alexandra is a pragmatical lawyer and likes to think proactively with her clients. Besides being a lawyer, Alexandra often gives lectures and teaches courses on administrative and environmental law. She also publishes in these areas. Alexandra is a lecturer at Erasmus University and a member of the European Public Law Organization.

Examples recent work

  • Taking care of the procedure for obtaining an environmental permit and the conditions regarding the PGS15 for a short sea terminal in Rotterdam port (external safety).
  • Alexandra has successfully conducted a procedure on the Road Traffic Act 1994 in which the Administrative Law Division of the Council of State came tot the conclusion by decision of 4 March 2015 that the regulation in which the alcohol interlock program was included was not binding because it could have a disproportionate effect in a substantial number of cases.
  • Advising on European administrative law for the NextTrust Project, a project in the logistics sector with the aim of improving the cooperation on efficiency and sustainability.

Memberships & additional functions

  • University lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Administrative Law Association (VAR)
  • Environmental Law Association (VMR)
  • European Public Law Organization (EPLO)
  • The Dutch Energy Law Association (NeVER)


  • Kroniek Waterwet 2020, Tijdschrift voor Omgevingsrecht
  • Status PGS’en toegelicht; geen wetten maar richtlijnen, Gevaarlijke Lading, april 2015
  • Annotatie bij de uitspraak van het CBb van 28 november 2013, Delta/Neeltje Jans, AB 2014/204
  • Annotatie bij de uitspraak van het CBb van 17 oktober 2012, Alticom en NOVEC/OPTA, Mediaforum 2013-3
  • Annotatie bij vonnis van de rechtbank ’s-Gravenhage van 18 juli 2012, met G.A. van der Veen, AB 2012/395
  • ‘Naming en Shaming door de OPTA: Kunnen nog niet onherroepelijk geworden boetes openbaar worden gemaakt?’, met mr. D. Van Tilborg, Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, 2011/2
  • ‘Geschilbeslechting door de OPTA. Een voorbeeld voor geschilbeslechting in het bestuursrecht?’ Nijmegen: Wolf Legal publishers, 2009 – Annotatie bij CBb 6 april 2006, Computerrecht 1/2007

The Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister)

Alexandra Danopoulos has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):

  • General practice (algemene praktijk), sub legal practice area administrative law (bestuursrecht), sub legal practice area civil right (burgerlijk recht); and
  • Environmental law (omgevingsrecht), sub legal practice area environmental law (milieurecht), sub legal practice area nature conservation law (natuurbeschermingsrecht), sub legal practice area spatial administrative law (ruimtelijk bestuursrecht), sub legal practice area water law (waterrecht)

Based on this registration, Alexandra Danopoulos is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.

Track record

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