Attorney at law, Partner
Jacob Henriquez
Jacob Henriquez FCIArb specialises in Construction law, Real Estate and Arbitration. He is an experienced lawyer that handles complex matters in the Construction & Engineering, Real Estate, Infrastructure, and Offshore sectors, offering robust and knowledgeable representation across a broad range of topics.
Jacob advises his clients on forms of cooperation within real estate and construction projects, the types of contracts most suitable to the project (Design & Build, DBM, DBMO-agreements) as well as the allocation of project-specific design and construction risks.
He advises on contentious construction and infrastructure projects across a variety of industries, including transport, energy, petrochemical, and construction. He also negotiates and drafts construction agreements for (international) clients, amongst others EPC and O&M contracts for renewable energy projects. Most recently he has been involved in cases regarding construction projects in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
He has written several books on Construction law (published by e.g. the Institute of Construction Law and by Boom Juridische Uitgeverij) and publishes regularly in Dutch Construction Law journals. He is also one of the global editors of Construction Law International (since 2017). He is a visiting lecturer on International Construction Law and Dispute Resolution at the University of East Anglia (United Kingdom) and a visiting lecturer on Contracting Engineering Projects at TIAS School for Business and Society (NL).
Litigation and international arbitration
Jacob is an experienced and convincing litigator, representing his clients before state courts as well as in complex (international) construction arbitration with experience handling cases at the Arbitration Board for the Building Industry (RvA), the Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI), the ICC and at the LCIA. Given his expertise in international construction projects, he also acts as a Dispute Board member.
As a client you will get the highest quality from his team that is dedicated to solve your dispute, whether this be in court or out of court.
FIDIC expertise
Of particular note is Jacob’s in-depth knowledge of the FIDIC standard forms of contract in which matters he has successfully represented and advised his clients. His publications on a number of FIDIC related topics in renowned construction law journals further underlines his FIDIC expertise. He successfully completed the FIDIC Summer School at King’s College London.
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Legal 500 testimonials
“Exceptional knowledge of FIDIC combined with an honest and independent point of view on legal disputes makes Ploum, and Jacob Henriquez in specific, an excellent law firm and lawyer. The responses were very quick and accurate. Besides an honest and independent point of view we also received proposals for reactions taking into account our interest even if this results in no further activity for the law firm.” - Legal500 EMEA 2024
“I have worked mostly with Jacob Henriquez and only indirect with his team. I valued extremely the availability and reliability of Jacob delivering what he promised, no matter how tight was the timeline. I have considered Jacob as part of my team and as contributor to the success factor of our project.” - Legal500 EMEA 2024
“The Construction practice of Ploum has the knowledge and knowhow to support in national and international construction contracts in the different stages of construction. From pre-tender to maintain issues, Ploum is able to support. What makes Ploum stand out from other firms is their pro-active approach and understanding what kind of support a company needs, depending on the case.” - Legal500 EMEA 2024
“I mostly work with Jacob Henriquez. He’s a very proactive lawyer with outstanding knowledge of the law and the construction world. He supports me with national and international cases, which makes him versatile and I can use his support in very different cases. In case he isn’t able to support, then his team is a very good back up” - Legal500 EMEA 2024
“The approachable people, practical directions and adequate predictions of potential outcomes, makes it working with Ploum very satisfying. The people at Ploum are easy going and friendly in contact, but spot on and sharp in disputes.” - Legal500 EMEA 2024
“Easy going, low entrance level in reaching out to Ploum. Jacob Henriquez is a very nice and knowledgeable person that remains calm in many different circumstances. His experience in resolving legal matters was very much appreciated in our dedicated case. Despite his experience and professionalism, Jacob remains empathic. Much appreciated that he shows his own feeling there as well.” - Legal500 EMEA 2024

Representative matters (recent)
- Advising a Renewable Energy company in a (project delivery) dispute against a German manufacturer of wind turbines;
- Advising the largest plant-based consumer product company in the world regarding a construction and engineering agreement for a project in the Netherlands;
- Advising an onshore drilling contractor regarding a Services Agreement for its drilling operations;
- Advising Gate terminal on its EUR 350 million investment in a new 180.000m3 LNG tank and all related (FIDIC) construction agreements;
- Advising a large Contractor in a dispute with an international, multilateral organization regarding its new headquarters in the Netherlands (FIDIC Red Book 1999);
- Chairman of an Expert Review Board (together with two other international experts) in a FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 dispute between an Employer and an International Contractor regarding a EUR 90 million claim in an offshore project near the Dutch coast;
- Representing a large Contractor in an LCIA arbitration related to a large scale infrastructure project in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;
- Advising a Dutch contractor on a Design Build Operate agreement in Saudi Arabia (NEOM city);
- Acting as lead counsel for a Dutch tank terminal against a Luxembourg Contractor in an international arbitration (ICC Court of International Arbitration) about the termination of a FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 contract;
- Advising a Dutch offshore Windfarm (joint venture between Shell and Vattenfall) on a Technical Operation Management agreement (FIDIC White Book 2017) and a Maintenance Agreement for 36 WTG’s in the windfarm (FIDIC based contract);
- Advising an LNG terminal on the Maasvlakte in Rotterdam about an EPC contract for a large scale turnaround project;
- Lead counsel for a large German multinational in a dispute about a greenhouse project in the United Arab Emirates;
- Acting as counsel for a Dutch tank terminal in ICC proceedings about the termination of a FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 contract;
- Acting as lead counsel for a Dutch tank terminal company in multiple summary proceedings at the Rotterdam Court, as well as a successful appeal procedure at the Court of Appeal in The Hague. The case concerned a dispute with a Luxembourg contractor regarding the termination of a FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 contract for the design and build of storage tanks in the port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands;
- Acting as Dutch local counsel for an English barrister (3 Verulam Buildings) in an international arbitration (with seat of arbitration in The Hague) regarding an infrastructure project in Africa;
- Acting as Dutch co-counsel for a Dutch company in the railway industry against a Belgian railway infrastructure management company in summary proceedings at the Arbitration Board for the Building Industry regarding issued bank guarantees;
- Acting as lead counsel for a large Dutch construction company in a dispute with an African State (successful negotiations). The dispute concerned the renovation of the embassy buildings of the African State in The Hague;
- Advising a major UK law firm on the contractual terms between its client and another party in relation to a dispute regarding an oil port terminal and NAI arbitration conducted in the Netherlands.
- Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration (CIArb London – 2022);
- FIDIC Summer School (King’s College London – 2022);
- Procurement law for lawyers (Free University Amsterdam – 2019);
- Grotius Academy postgraduate degree in Real Estate law (2014);
- Master’s degree in International Commercial Law (University of Glasgow, with distinction – 2008);
- Master’s degree in Dutch Law (Tilburg University, with distinction – 2007);
- Bachelor’s degree in Dutch Law (Tilburg University – 2006).
- Member of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (USA);
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London);
- Visiting lecturer on Contracting Engineering Projects at TIAS School for Business and Society (the Netherlands);
- Visiting lecturer on International Construction Law and Dispute Resolution (University of East Anglia);
- IBA International Construction Projects committee;
- Editorial board of ‘Construction Law International’ (CLInt);
- Member of the Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI);
- Member of the specialist association for Dutch Construction Lawyers (VBRA);
- General Council of the University of Glasgow.
- Author of the book: ‘Aanneming van (bouw)werken. Een korte introductie’ (Boom juridisch, 2020, to be republished in 2024);
- (Final) editor of a book on construction case law: ‘Processuele rechtspraak van de Raad van Arbitrage voor de Bouw’ (Institute for Construction Law, 2016 and republished in 2023);
- Co-author of a chapter on warranties in construction law in the book: ‘Garanties in de Rechtspraktijk’ (Wolters Kluwer, 2015).
- Article: ‘De FIDIC Short Form of Contract. Actualisering van en beschouwingen over toepasbaarheid van deze modelovereenkomst en algemene voorwaarden in Nederlandse design & build projecten’ (TBR 2024/53).
- Article: ‘Risicoverdeling bij complexe bouwprojecten. James Carville, Max Abrahamson en de mislukte aanbesteding van de Van Brienenoordbrug’ (TBR 2024/40);
- Case note Hof ’s-Hertogenbosch 19 september 2023 (ECLI:NL:GHSHE:2023:2984), ‘Niet nakoming, omzetting ex art. 6:87 BW, (peildatum) begroting van de vervangende schadevergoeding’, (BR 2024/6);
- Book review of 'Contracts for construction and engineering projects' (2nd edition) by Donald Charrett (TBR 2023/30);
- Case note in Hoge Raad 1 juli 2022 (ECLI:NL:HR:2022:989), 'Aannemingsovereenkomst, meerwerk. Is voor toepassing tenzij-bepaling in art. 7:755 BW vereist dat opdrachtgever inzicht had in omvang van prijsverhoging dan wel (concreet) te verwachten meerkosten? Art. 7:752 BW in geval van meerwerk.' (BR 2022/73);
- Case note in the Dutch Construction Law review on RvA 17 juni 2021, nr. 36.968, ‘Ontbinding overeenkomst gevorderd door opdrachtgevers. Conversie door arbiter.’ (BR 2021/86);
- Case note in the Dutch Construction Law review on RvA 17 november 2020, no. 36.886 ‘De toerekening van kennis aan een aannemer als rechtspersoon en de bekendheidsuitzondering uit Geurtzen/Kampstaal’ (BR 2021/46);
- Article in Dutch Construction Law review ‘De Wet kwaliteitsborging voor het bouwen en de nieuwe aansprakelijkheidsbepaling uit art. 7:758 lid 4 BW. Aandachtspunten voor de praktijk’ (TBR 2020/80);
- Article in Dutch Construction Law review ‘De FIDIC Golden Principles: is goede raad goud waard?’ (TBR 2020/18);
- Case note in the Dutch Construction Law Review on Court Judgment 7 May 2018 (ECLI:NL:OGEAC:2018:79) ‘Dispute Adjudication Boards as part of dispute clauses’ (TBR 2019/24);
- Case note in the Dutch Construction Law Review on RvA 21 November 2018, no. 36.120 (About liability and the duty to warn) (BR 2019/16);
- Case note in the Dutch Construction Law Review on RvA 16 February 2018, no. 35.734 ‘De reikwijdte van de ontwerpverantwoordelijkheid van de Opdrachtnemer onder de UAV-GC 2005’ (TBR 2018/109);
- Article in Dutch Construction Law review ‘De FIDIC Rainbow Suite 2017 – een overzicht van de belangrijkste wijzigingen in de general conditions van de Red, Yellow en Silver Book’ (TBR 2018/103);
- Case note in the Dutch Construction Law review on RvA 27 October 2017, no. 33.169 ‘Sprake van een risicovol ontwerp? Schending van de contractuele waarschuwingsplicht door Aanneemster’ (BR 2018/15);
- Article in IBA International Litigation Newsletter ‘Going Dutch: the Netherlands as an attractive litigation forum for international disputes in the English language’ (April 2017);
- Article in AvdR Magazine ‘HR Cattier/Waanders: een onderbelicht fundament voor de waarschuwingsplicht van de opdrachtgever?’ (about the duty to warn in construction law);
- Case note in the Dutch Construction Law review on RvA 14 April 2016, no. 72.020 ‘Uitleg van een depotregeling uit een koop-/aannemingsovereenkomst’ (BR 2016/64).
Click here to see more publications (articles and case notes in Dutch).
The Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister)
Jacob Henriquez has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):
- Real estate law (vastgoedrecht), sub legal practice area construction law (bouwrecht); and
- Civil procedural law (burgerlijk procesrecht), sub legal practice area arbitration, sub legal practice area attachment and enforcement law (beslag-en executierecht) and sub legal practice area litigation.
Based on this registration, Jacob Henriquez is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.
Track record