Ploum advises software company Widget Brain on sale to Quinyx

27 Oct '20

Ploum advised the Rotterdam-based company Widget Brain on the sale of the company to the Swedish software company Quinyx, which offers technology for timetable optimisation. The company will be fully integrated into Quinyx. The name Widget Brain will disappear. Widget Brain was founded five years ago and was one of the fastest growing start-ups in the Netherlands. The company makes automated timetables for staff. For this they make use of machine learning and artificial intelligence. They also provide support for budgeting and (sales) forecasting, among other things. The parties have already been working together for a number of years. "Quinyx' sales channel is much larger than ours. Customers who already use an application like Quinyx are also more willing to go to the next level." Says Joachim Arts, founder and CEO of Widget Brain in the press release published on this subject. For this transaction, the Ploum Team consisted of Jeroen Terstegge as lead partner in collaboration with Dennis Zieren. Quinyx was assisted by EY and HVG, among others.

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