Do you already have a Whistleblowing Policy?

14 Mar '24

Author(s): Jouko Barensen

Over a year ago, the “Wet bescherming Klokkenluiders” (Whistleblowing Protection Act) entered into force. One of the obligations that is set out in this Act is – for companies with more than 50 employees – to implement a Whistleblowing Policy.

Smaller companies were given until December 17, 2023, to comply with this obligation whereas bigger companies where obliged to implement such a policy immediately. A Whistleblowing Policy determines which notifications fall within the scope of the law, and which don’t. It also determines how notifications can be done, and how a notifier needs to be protected.

If your company does not have a Whistleblowing Policy yet, we can help you. For more information, please contact Jouko Barensen (


Attorney at law

Jouko Barensen

Expertises:  Fraud and white collar crime, Administrative law, Waste law, Environmental criminal law, Cybersecurity , Transport and Logistics, BRZO, Enforcement and sanctions,

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