Ploum advises Shell and Eneco in obtaining permit for offshore wind farm in Hollandse Kust (west)

20 Dec '22

Last Thursday it was announced that Shell and Eneco and their joint venture Ecowende have been granted a permit to build an offshore wind farm on Hollandse Kust (west) lot VI. Ecowende will build a wind farm with minimal impact on nature. With this wind farm, about 3% of the current Dutch electricity demand can be greened.

Maayke Maas-Cooymans, was part of the project team that prepared the bid, where she advised on the public law aspects of offshore wind. Maayke Maas specializes in environmental law, with a focus on offshore wind, among other things. She says: "Wind at sea is an important pillar, to achieve the climate goals. With this gain, another boost is given to the energy transition."

The wind farm is expected to be commissioned in 2026.

Read more (unfortunately not published in English): Shell en Eneco krijgen vergunning windpark op zee Hollandse Kust (west) kavel VI (


Attorney at law, Partner

Maayke Maas-Cooymans

Expertises:  Administrative law, Environmental law , Energy law, Environmental criminal law, Energy, Enforcement and sanctions, BRZO,

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