Attorney at law

Ferah Taptik


Ferah specialises in trade, transport and customs law. In particular, she focuses on advising clients on issues relating to international trade, food law, product liability, commercial contracts and tax-related topics such as anti-dumping duty, origin and classification.


Ferah graduated from Leiden University with a master's degree in Civil Law, focusing on collective damages claims. Ferah also completed her master's degree in Employment Law at Leiden University, with thesis topic the AI robot in the world of employment law. During her studies at Leiden University, Ferah attended various extracurricular programmes, including the Master Honours Class.

During her law studies, she also gained practical experience at various (large) law firms, worked as a repetitor for the course Civil Procedure and was an editor of the legal faculty journal of Leiden University.

She also attended a semester of studies at Koc University in Istanbul, during which she worked as a Research Assistant in the departments of Public International Law and Transport and Insurance Law.


Track record