Ploum partners Willem Leppink and Sabin Tigu in World Trademark Review 2022

08 Mar '22

We are proud to announce that the intellectual property law team of Ploum Rotterdam Law Firm received a silver ranking in the prestigious WTR 1000 2022 of World Trademark Review and that two partners were also ranked as recommended individuals. Partner Willem Leppink received an individual mention in the gold tier and partner Sabin Tigu in the bronze tier of this 2022 edition. Willem also received a separate mention as recommended anti-counterfeiting expert.


Track record of the Ploum IE team

Willem and Sabin owe their fine individual ranking to their excellent track record in the field of intellectual property law, particularly trademark law. In this field, together with the IP team, they handle challenging, mostly international cases. WTR refers to feedback they received from clients: "Collaborating with Ploum is incredible - the team is quick to reply and always tells it like it is. Their strategies are considered, straightforward and informed by broad industry knowledge." In the words of one in-house counsel: "It is one of my favourite firms to work with and I recommend it to anyone who needs assistance in the Netherlands".

“Client favourite” Tigu is “a very creative, commercial lawyer who really understands his clients’ environment and the reality they work in. He almost acts like in-house counsel, trying to resolve things in a business-focused, cost-consciousway.”

Annual ranking WTR 1000

The WTR 1000 is considered to be the leading guide in the field of legal services in the field of trademark law worldwide. We are very proud of the ranking for Ploum as a firm and of the rankings for Willem and Sabin and would like to thank our clients and other law firms for their feedback.

Willem Leppink is “hands-on, results oriented and an excellent communicator. He is one of the most experienced practitioners in the country”.

Also a ranking in Chambers and Partners 2022 (Global)

Willem Leppink was also recently recommended in Chambers Global 2022. Chambers says about Willem "Clients highlight his customer-centred style, one reporting that "he has a very pragmatic approach and takes our commercial interests into account."

Want to know more about our IP team?

Our intellectual property lawyers focus on trademark law, design law, copyright law, domain names, advertising and marketing and have extensive experience in combating counterfeiting and parallel imports. Please feel free to contact Willem or Sabin if you have any questions about this practice area.


Attorney at law, Partner

Willem Leppink

Expertises:  Intellectual property rights, European Law, Trademark and Design registration, Marketing and Advertising, Technology, Media and Telecom, Food, E-commerce,

Attorney at law, Partner

Sabin Tigu

Expertises:  Intellectual property rights, Trademark and Design registration, Technology, Media and Telecom, Start-up and Scale-up,

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