
Legal expertise is required in providing and entering into financing. The same applies if you or your company is or want to become active on the financial markets. Where financial supervisors guarantee compliance with (inter)national law and regulations (Financial Supervision Act (Wft)), you and your company must have sound legal knowledge in order to ensure that you operate within the legal frameworks.

Do you have any questions about the information on this page?

Please contact us through the phone number below or send us an email.

+31 (0)10 4406440

Legal assistance

Legal expertise is essential if you are dealing with any kind of financing. The services we provide in this respect include the following:

At Ploum, our banking law and financing specialists will advise and assist you during the entire financing procedure, and they will represent you in the event of legal proceedings as well.

International financing guide

The International Comparative Legal Guide to Project Finance (2019) gives you an excellent overall picture of all the aspects  of project financing and other types of funding that you may encounter. A number of countries have filled in an extensive questionnaire for this purpose, and you can also read Ploum’s own contribution.

Attorney at law, Partner

Tom Ensink

Expertises:  Banking and Finance, Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Finance,

Attorney at law, Partner

Daniël van Gerven

Expertises:  Employment law, Employee participation, Finance, Interne onderzoeken,

Meet the team