Legal opinions

Banks, other finance parties and business partners alike frequently ask for legal opinions. For example, if a Dutch company issues a guarantee, the relevant Dutch or international bank often requires confirmation that this company actually exists, that all internal decision-making is in order and that the guarantee is legally enforceable. Clients often ask for a legal opinion when entering into ISDA Swap transactions, project finance, takeovers and construction projects.

Issuing legal opinions

If you need a legal opinion, our experts can help you. Our opinion committee will assess whether a certain opinion can be issued based on the latest developments in legislation, case law and viewpoints in literature. Our extensive experience enables us to take swift decisions on standard transactions, negotiate with the banks’ advisors on acceptable alternative phrasing if necessary, and issue legal opinions at attractive rates.

An article on legal opinions is published in the legal magazine Mr. In addition to a number of other legal opinion offices, Tom Ensink is interviewed in this article. 

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Please contact us through the phone number below or send us an email.

+31 (0)10 4406440