Marketing and Advertising

Of course, you wish to ensure that your marketing and advertising activities are permissible as well as properly protected in a legal sense in order to prevent unfair marketing and advertising practices.

Formulating a legally watertight marketing and advertising policy

There is always a risk that someone will submit a complaint on misleading advertising to the Advertising Code Commission, or institute interlocutory proceedings on comparative advertising. In addition, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), which has replaced the former Consumer Authority, can take action in the event of unfair trade practices. And if you have to comply with the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive, we at Ploum will be delighted to advise you on your marketing and advertising policy, regardless of what countries you operate in. Our experts can advise you on trademark use, advertising campaigns and packaging, as well as on consumer guarantees, privacy and e-commerce conditions. And last but not least, we can help you draft contracts with advertising agencies.

Do you have any questions about the information on this page?

Please contact us through the phone number below or send us an email.

+31 (0)10 4406440
Meet the team

Tackling illegal advertising

If you are confronted with illegal advertising by other parties – concerning packaging, promotional games or use of photos for instance – Ploum’s marketing and advertising law specialists will help you deal with this. We have a great deal of experience in conducting legal proceedings relating to marketing and advertising.

Attorney at law, Partner

Willem Leppink

Expertises:  Intellectual property rights, European Law, Trademark and Design registration, Marketing and Advertising, Technology, Media and Telecom, Food, E-commerce,