Start-up and Scale-up

Sooner or later, even a starting or scaling-up entrepreneur will have to deal with various legal issues. We understand that entrepreneurs, especially in the start-up and scaling-up phase, prefer to invest their time and money in other matters, such as the development of their business. However, it is important to obtain good legal advice even in the start-up phase, so that you can subsequently build on your business with confidence.

Ploum has extensive experience in advising start-ups and up-and-coming businesses, and we are therefore happy to be your business partner in the legal field. We believe in long-term relationships with our clients and are happy to invest in them. Our starting point is that Ploum will accommodate start-ups and scale-ups in terms of costs during the start-up phase, but that these companies will receive the same attention, service and expertise as all our other clients. In addition, start-ups and scale-ups have access to the in-house legal training institute "Ploum Academy", client events and know-how.

Do you have any questions about the information on this page?

Please contact us through the phone number below or send us an email.

+31 (0)10 4406440

How can we help

You can count on us

We have all the knowledge to identify legal pitfalls and opportunities. In this way, you will have sufficient certainty in advance and you can avoid having to correct mistakes afterwards. We can help you, for example, with setting up a legal entity, drafting and reviewing contracts, protecting your ideas, drafting employment contracts, guaranteeing the privacy of your employees, customers and suppliers, drafting and reviewing general terms and conditions and applying for permits.

Legal quick scan for starting entrepreneurs

If you would like to get a general idea of the important legal points of interest and obstacles for start-ups, please request our legal quick scan. In this booklet we highlight the points of attention per legal area for you. If you have any questions regarding this quick scan, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.

Citylab010 & Stichting Voor Goed

Ploum has been a proud partner of Citylab010 for many years. Citylab010 is an initiative of the municipality of Rotterdam. Every year, the municipality of Rotterdam makes 3 million euros available in subsidies for innovative plans by Rotterdammers that will benefit the city. As a true Rotterdam office, we are pleased to contribute by providing legal advice to planners who wish to apply for or have already received a subsidy.

Since the establishment of Stichting Voor Goed "Rotterdam Impact Agency", Ploum has also been involved in the various initiatives of this foundation, including helping and advising relations of Stichting Voor Goed but also participating in the winter coat collection. In this way, we contribute both legally and non-legally to a better Rotterdam.

If you would like to know more about these programmes, please let us know so that we can put you in contact with the right people.


Would you like to know more or do you have a legal question? Please feel free to contact one of our team members. We are happy to work with you to make your business successful!

Attorney at law, Partner

Sabin Tigu

Expertises:  Intellectual property rights, Trademark and Design registration, Technology, Media and Telecom, Start-up and Scale-up,

Attorney at law, Partner

Matthijs Gardien

Expertises:  Contract law, Litigation, IT-Law, Cybersecurity , Privacy law, Start-up and Scale-up, Commercial Contracts, E-commerce, Artificial intelligence,

Meet the team

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