Attorney at law, Partner

Natalie Vloemans


Natalie is a litigation expert who is particularly active on the field of liability and contractual insurance law, where she is considered by peers to be a leader in the field and a practical sparring partner. She also has extensive experience in assisting her clients in commercial disputes and advises on the drafting of commercial agreements. Her services range from quick and fast to-the-point advices to complex litigation. Her clients comprise national and international corporations as well as brokers and insurance companies.

Natalie leads Ploum’s Insurance and Liability team and is a member of the Arbitration team. Natalie has a significant expertise in handling claims, both commercial and cover-related, and risk management in relation to environmental damages and technical damages in the construction and engineering, storage and logistics, petrochemical and other industrial sectors.

Natalie distinguishes herself from her peers by her pragmatic approach and sense of business relationships. She knows what is going on in the business and is aware at all times that the resolution of a dispute need not be purely legal in nature. Although she is skilled in arbitration and litigation, she will assess together with her client whether a dispute can be settled amicably or solved through alternative dispute resolution. In this process, her experience as arbitrator, counsel in arbitration proceedings and in mediation proceedings is an important asset.

Natalie is the former president of the Dutch Arbitration Association, member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch Arbitration Institute. She is also recognised as IMI qualified mediator.

What clients say

"Natalie Vloemans does not only have very in-depth legal knowledge but also understands the complexity of the business environment of her client. Vloemans is hands-on and to the point." - Chambers 2024


Natalie studied Dutch civil law at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (1996) en followed droit civil at the Université d’Aix-Marseille III (1996) in France. Natalie has been an attorney since 1996. She completed the post-graduate programme Corporation & Liability of the Grotius Academy in 2008 with honours (cum laude). After years of experience with one of the big Dutch law firms, Natalie became a partner with Ploum in 2011. Since her arrival she is head of the Insurance and Liability team and participates in the Arbitration team.


  • ‘Het gebruik van arbitrage en bindend advies in de verzekeringspraktijk vanuit het perspectief van partijen’, met Dorine ten Brink, Bundel Verzekering en ADR, Nijmegen 2014
  • ‘Kroniek aansprakelijkheid voor niet-loondienstgerelateerde asbestschade’, met Anton van den Heuvel, AV&S, 2013/96
  • ‘Het moment van (moeten) melden onder een claims made aansprakelijkheidsverzekering’, NTHR, 2013


  • Dutch Association for Insurance Law and AIDA
  • Dutch Association for Procedural Law
  • Dutch Arbitration Association

The Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister)

Natalie Vloemans has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):

  • Civil law (Burgerlijk procesrecht), sub legal practice area arbitration (arbitrage), sub legal litigation;
  • Contract law (verbintenissenrecht);
  • Insurance law (verzekeringsrecht).

Based on this registration, Natalie Vloemans is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.

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