Employee participation trainings

The role of employee participation in mergers and acquisitions

Gain insight into all relevant employee participation aspects during a merger or acquisition in two hours.

A merger or acquisition process involves many different questions and several stakeholders need to be involved. These stakeholders include the employee representatives: trade unions and works councils. During this training, we take a closer look at the main employee participation aspects during a merger or takeover process. Topics covered include the role of the works council (when to involve it, level of detail in sharing information, the importance of process agreements) and, of course, we also address the question of whether purchase agreements can be concluded under 'suspensive conditions' or whether the use of 'signing protocols' is still possible. Of course, we also consider the role of trade unions in the whole process.

The training is an in-depth course aimed at legal counsels, HR advisers and specialists dealing with M&A or employment law.

If interested, please contact:

Attorney at law, Partner

Daniƫl van Gerven

Expertises:  Employment law, Employee participation, Finance, Interne onderzoeken,

Attorney at law

Michelle Westhoeve

Expertises:  Employment law, Privacy law, Employee participation, Transport and Logistics, Distressed companies,

Employee participation actualities

Get an insight into recent current affairs and the most salient rulings relevant to you in two hours.

In this two-hour course, we use recent case law and examples to explain the most recent legislative changes in the field of employee participation, developments in case law and their practical implications. The course is full of useful tips that make the material easy to understand and translate into your own practice. At the same time, your knowledge of the most important issues will be completely up to date. In between, there is plenty of time to answer questions. Think about working conditions and health & safety developments, the Future Pensions Act and current legislation and regulations for employee participation. We can also keep it more general and inform you, for example, about when a works council should be involved in decision-making, the types of decisions on which the works council may advise and the chances of the works council in appeal proceedings. Naturally, the topics to be covered will be carefully coordinated with you and translated to your daily practice.

This is a course that is particularly interesting and relevant for anyone involved in decision-making and/or in regular contact with the works council and/or members of the works council themselves.

Employee participation in reorganisations

Get an insight into all the laws and regulations concerning employee participation and the different phases of a reorganisation in two hours.

In this training, we cover all the ins and outs of the role of the works council and trade unions in reorganisations. In two hours, we take you through all the laws and regulations on employee participation and the different phases of a reorganisation. When must you involve the participation bodies and what are your obligations as an employer? Consider, for example, the requirements regarding the content of the information obligation or the redeployment obligation. If there is collective dismissal, you must also draw up a social plan together with the works council or the employee participation body. How do you draft and negotiate a good social plan? Throughout the process, the strategic choices you make are of enormous importance. We take you through the various phases and the choices to be made and follow-up steps. Here, it is important to proceed carefully and consider all aspects well. Through proper analysis, the reorganisation can contribute to an efficient process and a successful future of the organisation.

This course is aimed at HR professionals involved in reorganisations.

Employee participation and remuneration issues

In two hours, we take a closer look at the rights of the works council and how to properly involve it as a stakeholder in decision-making around group remuneration.

Employee participation and remuneration issues are closely linked. The level of remuneration affects the conditions of employment and thus the main interests of employees. It is therefore important that employee participation bodies are involved in decision-making processes when decisions are made on remuneration issues such as changes in salary structures, bonuses and other benefits. Works councils of large organisations have increasing rights with regard to remuneration issues and decisions. Consider, for example, the level of directors' remuneration and pay ratios across the group. In this workshop, we take a closer look at the rights of the works council and how to properly involve it as a stakeholder in decision-making around group remuneration, which forms of remuneration are frequently used successfully in the market and how, for example, good communication can be used to increase employee trust in (remuneration) policy.

This is a course that is particularly interesting and relevant for the board, management and anyone else involved in decision-making on remuneration.

More information about our training offering? Contact team Employee participation.